Sunday, June 12, 2011

Front Squat/Clapping Push ups/Double Unders

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds (or however you want to specify it...) of:
sandbag front squat* (~80lbs sand bag)
clapping push ups (chest to deck)
30 double unders (in every round)

*more like cross between zuricher (cradle in elbows) and front squat


This was really really hard. I haven't lifted under load in awhile or done double unders, my DUs were terrible- mostly my arms were spent by the time I got to them. I didn't do a single set unbroken. I might have tried to warm them up more but I'm not sure how much that would have helped.

80lbs Sandbag is really big and awkward, did all sets but the one of 8 unbroken on the squats. Using the sandbag puts a lot of the weight way out in front which makes the squat harder, I tried to really stay tight in the bottom and keep my back straight and weight on my heels. These efforts were met with moderate success.

Clapping push-ups are an interesting movement, I'll probably try to incorporate them or chest slap more often during my travel time here.

Most extensive notes I've written on a WOD in a long time, if not ever. Also, still somewhat sick, breathing got hard fast. That's probably worth noting.

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