Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ring Rows

5 sets max reps ring rows

Put my feet on Heather's chair (it's higher than mine), not quite at the level of the bottom of the rings but not too far off.


I cheated a couple reps on the first 2 sets, didn't quite get the rings all the way to my chest.

Last time 15-15-12-13-15 on September 4, 2011 (felt like doing this today, mostly didn't feel like working out outside in the dark).


  1. 14 Hour Drive to Dayton, Ohio for the US National Slackline Championships. Gibbon is paying for travel food and lodging!

  2. Dude, if I had known... my mom might have come see you compete

  3. I'll let you know next time. Next comp is in Boston in 2.5 weeks!
