Thursday, January 31, 2013


5x5 Shoulder Press


Rowing technique drills

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back squat + Power clean/Burpee + Chin up

Buy In: Wendler High Bar Back Squat
5 – 5 – 5+


WOD: Five Rounds for Time
7 Power Cleans 135/95
10 Bar Facing Burpees

I fucking suck at power cleans.

Cash out:
5x5 weighted chin up, 18.something lbs vest

Because why not?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Press + Run/Box jump/Wall ball

Buy In: Wendler Press
5 – 5 – 5+


WOD: Three Rounds For Time
Run 400m
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Wall Ball Shots 20/16


Sunday, January 27, 2013

War of the WODs Team Competition

Men's team scaled at War of the WODs in Greensboro with Paul

Workout 1
5 minutes to establish a 1RM
Front squat
Shoulder to overhead

Each partner must be responsible for at least one lift.

FS - Paul, 250
SO - Paul, 205
DL - Me, 375
Total - 830 (18th place)

Workout 2
For time:
Power clean, 135lbs
Ring rip
Thruster, 95lbs
Pull up

One bar, need to change plates from 45s to 25s, one partner working at a time, need to be together throughout the workout.

6:15 (2nd place)

Workout 3
One partner carries a yolk... some distance while the other does 10 burpee box jumps (24" box, stand with control on top of box)

8 rounds + 12 reps (4th place)

Workout 4
8 rounds for time
10 slam ball, 30lbs (must clear ears with arms at top and catch ball on bounce)
10 knees to elbows on rings (may push off ground)
10 KB swings, 1.5 pood (mostly vertical)

7:14 (2nd place)

Workout 5
Finals, top 5 teams
4 parts, the team with the lowest score is eliminated in each

1) one partner holds a handstand against a wall while the other jumps rope (single unders)

2) max burpees in an unknown amount of time, one partner working at a time

3) max squats in an unknown amount of time, one partner working at a time

4) one partner holds an L-sit while the other rows for max meters

1st place

Overall - 2nd place

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


8x300m row, 1:00 rest between
1:00.6 (went out a little hard)
1:05.1 (didn't get off the rower before this set, probably a mistake)

Much better than last time (October 11, 2012):

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Run/Push up/Mountain climber

AMRAP in 12 Minutes
Run 400m
20 Push Ups
10 Mountain Climbers (each leg is 1)

5 rounds

Cash Out: Shoulder Mobility

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Power clean/Ring dip/Thruster/Pull up + Deadlift + Slam ball/K2E/KB swing + Bench press

Workout 1
With a partner, for time (10 min cap)

135lbs power clean
ring dip
95lbs thruster


Workout 2
With a partner and one bar, you have 5 minutes to establish a 1RM shoulder to overhead, front squat and deadlift. Each partner must contribte at least 1 lift to the total.

I deadlifted 355, didn't feel the need to push it today for this.

Workout 3
With a partner, 8 rounds for time
10 slam ball (30lbs)
10 knees to elbows
10 KB swings (1.5 pood)

Alternate rounds (one partner works at a time and you must alternate rounds).


Workout 4 (later on)
3x5 bench press

Me - 150lbs
Heather - 75lbs

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Yolk Carries

Got to play with a yolk today

Friday, January 18, 2013

Press + Row/Shoulder to Overhead/Power clean/Front squat

Buy In: Press
5 x 5

Bar from floor

WOD: For Total Reps
2 Minutes to
Row 300m
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
Rest 2 Minutes
2 Minutes to
Row 300m
Max Reps Power Cleans 135/95
Rest 2 Minutes
2 Minutes to
Row 300m
Max Reps Front Squats 155/105


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Box step/Double under

Five Rounds for Time
12 Weighted Box Steps
50 Double Unders

7:44 with 44lbs KBs in front rack

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Run/KB swing/Pull up/Clean and jerk

“OCCF Strength Baseline”

Three Rounds for Time
Run 400m
15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1 pood
10 Pull Ups
5 Ground to Overhead 135/95

Last time- 10:36 on 11/14/12

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Row/Burpee box jump + Run + Shoulder to overhead/Toes to bar

Workout 1
5 minute AMRAP
Row 500m
bupree box jump (20" box)

Score is the total number of burpee box jumps completed


Workout 2
For time - with a partner
Run 400m with a KB (53lbs)
Run 400m

2:57 or something

Workout 3
12 minute AMRAP - with a partner
1 shoulder to overhead (135lbs)
1 toes to bar
2 shoulder to overhead
2 toes to bar
and so on

Paul and I finished the round of 15, did 2 shoulder to overhead in the round of 16

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bench Press

5RM bench press

Charlie: 155lbs
Heather: 80lbs

Friday, January 11, 2013

Run/Pull up/Wall Ball

Four Rounds for Time
Run 400m
10 Pull Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots

14:37, strict pull ups

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Double Under/Power Clean

50 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans 135/95
40 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans
30 Double Unders
6 Power Cleans
20 Double Unders
4 Power Cleans
10 Double Unders
2 Power Cleans


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crossfit Total

Back squat - 260lbs (5lbs less than PR)
Press - 115lbs (ties PR)
Deadlift - 375lbs (5lbs PR)

Total - 750lbs (ties PR)

Bodyweight - 137lbs

Total/bodyeight = 5.47

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thruster/Burpee/KB swing

Partner WOD – 10 minute AMRAP:
10 Thrusters (95/65lb)
6 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb)

Only one partner will be moving at a time and cannot advance to the next movement until both partners have completed the movement. For example Partner A does 10 thrusters then Partner B does their 10 thrusters, then they move on. It does not matter who does the movement first so if Partner A starts the thrusters it does not mean they need to start for the burpees.

Paul and I got 4 rounds + 9 KB swings, I went first. Sore as hell from Fran.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


21 – 15 – 9
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups

Last time: 4:36 on May 14, 2012

I might have gone sub 4:00 today if I didn't fail my last thruster and drop the bar. Next time, perhaps.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Row/Power clean/Push up/Box jump/Push press/Double under

Team Relay WOD
Row 250m
20 Power Cleans 135/95
30 Push Ups
30 Box Jumps (24")
20 Push Press 95/65
60 Double Unders

This took a long time. I went first, finished in ~7:15. I had more than that in rest before going back the other way. Power cleans were the longest part.

I finished in 28 something, not sure when my team ended up finishing.