Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tabata Squats

Not gonna bother posting all the rest days unless you have stuff to post. Let me know.

Tabata squats- score is lowest round
22 (PR)

Neck is almost 100%. Been playing a lot of LoZ: OoT. Good times.


  1. I'll just post it all at once.

    Thursday: Bus to NYC to meet up with Mel then drove to Roanoke, VA to do a demo at an outdoor sportsy festival called outdoor circus. Event is Fri 5-10PM, Sat 10-10, Sun 10-5.

    Friday: Set up the demo site...7 small lines for kids to try and one performance line for Mel and me and the other two pros working the event. No trees so we used trucks and stakes as anchors. Also set up a booth selling lines and T-shirts (I got a set of T-shirts for free...sweet). Kids love slacklines.

    Sat: 12 hours working the demo. Got a LOT of great practice in. Tried a couple 540s, front flip to bb (no clean ones but I am soo close), 360 to bb (got this one down), free fall (free fall is bb 360 to cb...I'm real close), buddha bounce (cross legged bb), ascension (cb 360 to bb), and a kiss the lines with a leg extension.

    Sun: Soo sore from Saturday but still worked a few things. My 360s are getting consistent...I land probably 1 out of ever 2 on the performance line now. Hurt myself working free falls (caught my neck on the line coming down...ouch). Front flip to butt bounce is pretty close too. Drove to Philly to see my aunt after the demo. My body is exhausted.
