Saturday, April 20, 2013

Snatchx2 + Weighted pull-up + Push press

Worked up to 135, missed 145 a bunch of times. Fighting with straps didn't help.

I pretty much couldn't snatch with the straps on; when I would ditch them, the lift felt much more agressive and clean. For example, After failing 145 a bunch, I dropped back down to 135, but couldn't hit that either. I ditched the straps and hit an easy, clean lift at 135.

--Snatch-- (took a break between the previous session and this one)
Complex: pull (2-3s pause)+pull(2-3s pause)+snatch
Hit a few of these at each of 115, 125, 135 (one complex at a time)
Did a couple pulls with pauses at 165

Figured out that I was using my straps wrong, so they were much more helpful in this session. I was about to order a different style of strap, since these were driving me nuts. Then I wrapped them with the "tail" towards the inside of the bar, and everything suddenly made sense.

"Repetition is king."
Then I just banged out some snatches at 115. Probably like 10? I threw a couple ugly power snatches in there just to see how they felt.

--Weighted pull ups--
Work to a heavy triple- 53 (1.5 pood KB)
Then 6x3 at 90% - 47.5lbs (90% is 47.7)

--Push press--
No real specific plan going into this except 5 reps per set. I wanted it to be heavy and I wanted to focus on not letting the bar slip down my shoulders, as often happens in my jerk.

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