Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 rounds for time of
15 hang power cleans with 95lbs
15 burpees

Source (I scaled the 135 to 95)

My time: 7:20

The power cleans were much harder than I thought they would be. I felt slow. Kind of frustrating. I had a hard time holding onto the barbell and my form was shitty. I think this power cleans are really a weakness right now (thinking about that AMRAP with the SDHP, hang cleans and thrusters from a couple months ago).

1 comment:

  1. 1.5 Hours Shortline
    Worked the cartwheel. Learning how to slackline with my adidas on cause it's getting cold. No successes yet but I feel like I'm getting close. Also, I can now get 2-3 inches up in the press to handstand. 8-10 more and I'll have it down.
