Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Dougie Fresh" (for total reps)
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off of:
Rowing (For Calories) [subbed 1 leg row]
Thrusters (Max 95lb) [subbed 95lbs push press]
Back Squat (Max 1.5x Body Weight) [subbed left leg pistol]
Box Jumps
Back Extensions

Hit my knee on a railing really hard on Saturday night so I did the one leg version of this workout from Panther Crossfit.

179 (or something, may or may not have been counted correctly)


  1. 1 Hour Aerials Club
    Learned some interesting sequences on trapeze and how to spot a lyra. Also, worked some hand balancing, I can do about 1/4 of a FSHSPU. Still not strong enough for the full range of motion but I can balance myself while I move down and up through the the first quarter of the motion.

  2. A lyra. And I learned how to be a spotter not how to spot one in the sky.
