Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 rounds for time of:
30 sumo deadlift high-pull (75lbs)
30 sit-ups (unanchored)


My time: 7:29


  1. 3 Hours Shortline/Frisbee - 1.5 Hours Aeriels Club
    Worked my ASS off. (Almost) Completed a superman pass on the line with Mel. We both start from standing, I drop down into a lever then to a superman (same as lever except pelvis to line), then she passes over, then I stand back up. I stood up but couldn't take a step so that's where the 'almost' comes from. We're still working towards her jumping over me-first with me in superman then in a lever.

    I pressured Mel to try a split since she has the flexibility. With me spotting she can get all the way into it but at the bottom her feet slip off. She also got the leg raise (lift one leg overhead while standing) without any problem. I'm really excited because these are the first tricks she's able to do that I can't.

    I worked some jumping combos and tried a couple cartwheels (still no successes) but most of the work came from holding levers while Mel tried to walk over. I got a weird bubble in my stomach and had to quit before my arms gave out.

    Aerials club was freaking exhausting. We did a trick off and basically ran through everything we've learned in the past weeks multiple times. I did a couple pike pullups (you should try some) and inverted torso raises on the silk. I'm gonna be sooo sore tomorrow.

  2. Man, video #2 is gonna be SICK. You might want to hire a better camera man if you want to do it justice ;-)
