Monday, December 26, 2011

KB Swing/Double Unders/Situps/Squats + Weighted Pullups

For time:
With a partner
4 rounds of:
20 KB swings, 1.5 pood
20 Double unders
20 Situps (abmat, butterfly)

Only one partner can be working a time on each movement, both partners complete the prescribed number of each movement. While one partner is working the other is doing air squats, then you switch.

I don't know how long this took, or particularly care. It was okay, started to hurt in my quads, that went away, then in my lower back. KB swings and situps unbroken, made some mistakes on the DUs, should practice a bit more. Kind of a silly workout.


Work to a 1RM weighted pullup (they got a Rogue dip belt at the gym and offered to let me try it out.

I went really quickly but I hit 70lbs, kinda close on 75 but didn't try 72.5. All in all not bad. Arm was bothering me a little so I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


  1. Does 1RM mean "one arm" weighted pull-ups? Or is it 1 rep max? should train one arm pull-ups

  2. 1 rep max, sadly. I've always wanted a one arm pull-up. It seems really really hard and is apparently horrible for your elbow but maybe I'll work on it.
