Friday, December 3, 2010

200m/400m Track Workout

200m sprint
1min rest
200m sprint
1min rest
200m sprint
1min rest
400m sprint
2 mins rest
400m sprint
1min rest
200m sprint
1min rest
200m sprint
1min rest
200m sprint

Ran into one of the Panther CrossFit guys at the track so we did this together. This was my first time running a track workout with toe strikes instead of heel strikes. My calves and hamstrings are really sore but it was a good WOD.

1 comment:

  1. 2 Hours Mediumline
    Club meeting so I didn't get a lot done. Tried a couple cartwheels, no successes. Also tried some breaklining/gambit style. Pretty difficult, it requires shifting your balancing muscles from your hips to your upper body.
