Saturday, December 4, 2010

5x5 Shoulder Press

5-5-5-5-5 shoulder press

Loads: 65-75-85-85-90
Felt great. Did a really good job of pushing my chest thru to give myself something to press off.


  1. 2.5 Hours Shortline
    Went back to my old hangout for the day. The line felt short, unresponsive, and reverberated strangely. That means I've graduated from that length (maybe I'm saying that a little prematurely). The shortline was 19' 4" not sure how long the medium line is but my best estimate is ~23-25'. Hit some nice combos and tried integrating cross legged landings into my jumps. Also worked one legged lemur leaps (right leg only) and some chest bouncing stuff. Bought new webbing cause I'm wearing through this line.

  2. Chest bouncing? Hardcore parkour...

    Also, did you notice that I turned off the captcha-things? I didn't know I could do that until yesterday.

  3. I did notice the lack of captchas but I thought that I had just made enough posts from my account that blogspot no longer felt it needed to see my credentials as a human being.
