Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pre-practice: behind the neck shoulder press (strict press) 5x5
Loads: 60, 70, 85(2F), 80(2F), 75(4F)
Should have referenced that earlier post about doing math. Stupid.

Double under practice
Practice: went 0-3 today in day 2 of the 3v3 tournament, too many tall people.
Post practice: 100 hand release push ups for time
My time: 5:10
Rakers' time: 6:16

Muscle ups! Hit some good ones, much better than the last time I tried. Rakers got one on his first shot, pretty amazing. I want to learn how to kip on the rings properly. I'll keep working on these.


  1. 1 Hour Shortline
    My left shoulder is messed up (a least a little). And what's really stupid and frustrating about this injury is I don't think I got it from any trick, I'm pretty sure I hurt it by not properly locking it when tightening my line. Basically there is too much "yanking", and not enough "smooth pulling from a stable position" in my tightening technique. Sucks because putting any weight on my shoulder produces a hurty achey sensation. I'm icing now.

    I was trying to find some of my comments that referenced the shoulder injury from earlier this summer so I can figure out if this is a new injury or not (I think it's the same one, ughh).

    Worked a little on trying to straighten my gutstands today by bringing my head down and looking up at my feet until my shoulder complained too much. Also tried some knee leg extensions on my weak foot.

    Who's Raker? (I'm assuming a frisbee bud/lifting partner)

  2. Rakers, yeah spot on. Ice ice ice.
