Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

~3.5 hour hike at Sleeping Giant State Park

Deck of Cards
Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued. Flip each card and perform the movement and the number of reps specified. Cycle whole deck. For time.

Hearts - pushups
Diamonds - pullups
Spades - situps
Clubs - squats
Jokers - 11 knees to elbows


My time: 14:47


  1. 3 Hours Shortline - 1.5 Hours Stretching
    Friday is a day for slacklining. I spent some time teaching people how to walk the line some other time rocking out to new music on the line and still other time working on lemur leaps, 360s etc. No 360s today, I wasn't really focused enough.

    I'm interested to hear what you thought about the deck of cards workout (have you done one before already?).

  2. I've never done it before. It was a pretty solid workout, the pullups got hard and I found myself hoping for anything but diamonds (I always got diamonds when I thought about it). It's a neat gimmick, but the problem is that you can't duplicate it so there's no way to 1:1 compare times. I think, in general, the times will be around 15mins or less.

    I liked the little sets and not knowing what was coming next though- it allowed me to give 100% on every movement.

    Also, the RX'ed version has "run 1 mile" for the jokers but I don't know where I would do that around here. The K2E sub was because I haven't done them for awhile.
