Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

3 rounds for time of:
10 overhead squats 65lbs (bar starts on ground)
50 double unders

Made it up, based on some regional workout or something.

My time: 8:05
Felt like crap. Shoulders were sore or something, I don't know. I started the actual WOD with tuck jumps because my jump rope broke during warm up. I was not happy and I stopped mid-workout for the first time.

I did this workout with a different rope and my timing was terrible. I got really frustrated with my double unders and I really let it affect me.

This was also my first WOD with overhead squats, I cleaned or snatched the weight up- need to work on my snatch balance. I think they're challenging in interesting ways (core, shoulders, balance, etc).

1 comment:

  1. 1 Hour Stretching - Didn't slackline today because I was being too much of a bitch
