Wednesday, August 4, 2010


3 rounds for time of:
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups (unanchored)
50 squats


My time: 11:20
I did this on June 21st in 11:19. I might have done 10 extra sit-ups on the second set, but I can't be sure.

What's weird is that I essentially the same skills the last time I did this, I didn't look at the post until after I had finished.

3 handstand push-ups, I think I'm getting better at them
1 set max rep pull-ups, new PR: 25


  1. 2.5 Hours Shortline - 1 Hour Stretching
    I say 2.5 hours on the line but I spent a significant amount of time on the ground doing elbow levers and trying to shift my weight from my elbows to my upper arms (attempting to press into a planche). My upper arms are not strong enough yet. It is slightly easier to do this on the line (in terms of strength not balance) because you can get a bounce going so your muscles aren't taxed through the whole motion.

    I discovered the secret of the third stretch in the split progression today. I've been keeping you in the dark about the secrets to the split stretches so let me explain. When I started training my split I thought it was just a test of willpower and the goal was to force your muscles a little further each day. After a little over 2 weeks I've discovered that it is definitely a test of willpower but stretching has a strength aspect to it too not just a flexibility "beat the pain" aspect. In each stretch of the progression you want to contract the muscles you are stretching as much as you can when in the stretched position. This is simple for the first two stretches; it basically involves pulling your crotch as far forward as you can (you want to turn your hips over). I couldn't figure out the third one until today. What you want to do for #3 is try to press your crotch to the ground (crotch to ground is the eventual goal after all). Surprisingly, this involves more butt muscles than groin muscles but they both end up working together.

    I have been waiting for you to repeat a workout and compare times for awhile. Your consistency reminds me of the first two years I ran the Boilermaker (I finished in exactly the same time down to the second).

    Wallflip - 14 days

  2. Yeah dude, that's PNF. I'll link you a video about it on FF.
