Sunday, January 23, 2011

Run/MuscleUp (subs)/Burpees/Situps

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Run 200m (subbed 3 laps 100ft suicide run)
3 Muscle Ups (subbed 6 strict ring pull-ups and 6 dips [kipping allowed])
6 Burpees
9 Butterfly Abmat Situps (touch behind head and touch toes)


Some number of rounds and the run+pull-ups in the last one. Probably 7 but maybe 6. The strict pull-ups were really a bitch, so was the transition between movements. I'm starting to understand what Tony Budding was talking about when he talked about the beauty of couplets.

Double unders


  1. 8 hours at Top Hats today, (7 of practice if you count dinner break)

    12-1:45: Stretching and dance workout
    2-4: Flag Block, Flag Tosses, and Teaching/Reviewing choreography
    4- 4:30: Quick Rifle Block (still bad at rifle tosses, but I almost nailed a 4 today)
    4:30 - 5:30: Dinner
    5:30 - 8: Running chunks of the show and working on changing some of the drill

    Overall, had a pretty decent day, though my back is awfully angry with me now :/

  2. Indoor slacklining location was closed so I did some pull ups and leg lifts
