Sunday, January 16, 2011

5x5 Shoulder Press + 3x3 Bench Press + Cathedral Stairs

5x5 Shoulder (strict) press
I was able to get 90 up five times on December 4, but that's okay. My current 1RM is 105. My chest/lats/whatever was a little sore from burpees/knees to elbows yesterday. I fought with the last rep of set 4 for about 20 seconds, literally.

3x3 Bench Press (flat bench)
I think I'm going to add the bench in a little more, despite the fact that I think it's silly. It also has the problem of needing a spotter (which none of the other movements really do), but hopefully I'll be able to work it out.

My chest just isn't that strong and the bench press seems like a reasonable way to work on that (in addition to doing more push-ups). I'm told this will help with overhead strength as well.

I'm considering doing something like Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program. One of the movements is a bench press (along with shoulder/military press, deadlift and backsquat). My goal is to be able to bench my bodyweight 3 times (it's currently my 1RM) and I'll go from there.

Cathedral stairs (37 floors) for time
I've run cathedrals before, but I've never timed it. This was pretty miserable. The stairwells are so dry, I'm still feeling the effects in my chest (now ~7 hours later).

PVC pipe snatches
PVC pipe overhead squats
Push-ups, one-arm push-ups
I attempted the one arm clap push-up... not happening but I know it's possible so I'll keep working on it

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