Thursday, January 13, 2011

7x1 Weighted Pull-ups

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps weighted pull-ups

*Wasn't 100% convinced I got this one so I did it again

Did this on June 9, working up to a 1RM of 57.5lbs. I used my hips more and more effectively this time. I should probably have just gone up 2.5lbs or something on the last one, try to get a true 1RM, but that's okay.

Double unders

1 comment:

  1. Washington D.C. - We're staying at Kelsey's friend's apartment. This is the first time I've been to our great nation's capital. We visited the national archives, stood outside the white house, and drove by the Washington Monument. For those who aren't aware, the national archives is home to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Seeing these documents was a surprisingly powerful experience and I managed to only crack a few jokes about the fpelling of the documentf and the size of the paper.

    Katie - Kelsey's friend - has a small gym in her building. I went in the hopes that they had a pull up bar but all they had were treadmills and ellipticals so I just did a pure body weight workout.

    HSPU attempts & handstand work
    25 Tricep push ups
    Elbow levers
    Split work
    Planche L2 - 27-20-16
