Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bear Complex/Toes-to-bar/Burpee box jump

For time:
5 Bear Complexes at 85% of BW
10 Toes-To-Bar
5 Bear Complexes at 85% of BW
20 Burpee-Box Jumps
10 Toes-To-Bar
5 Bear Complexes at 85% of BW


85% of 140 is 119, I did this at 120, it was heavy

14:49 I think was my time.

I did a power clean and thruster at first, and a behind the neck thruster which was awkward and difficult. I soon transitioned to a power clean, squat, push press system, which started out okay. Finally, I settled on squat clean, jerk (120 got heavy) or split jerk (did my first split jerk(s) today!). Behind the neck jerks (also known as rack jerks) are awkward as hell. I'm going to try to learn how to do that better- you're supposed to be able to put up more weight that way if you're good at it.

Double unders (tried to do them as fast as possible)


  1. I don't know what bear complexes are but it sounds like a good day for you, congrats.

    20-25 Pull ups
    HSPU on paralletes
    20 Leg Lifts

    Planche Progressions L2

  2. Down to 3 sets on the progressions, very nice.

    A bear complex is this.
