Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wall Ball/Clapping Pus-Ups/Overhead Lunges/SDHP//Buddy Carry

3 rounds of 1 minute stations (for max total reps):
Wall Balls
Clapping Pushups
Overhead Lunges (1 DB)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (1 DB)
Buddy Carries
Rest (you are being carried during the buddy carries for your rest)


230 reps
55lb dumbbell, carried Rob... he probably weights around 160?

We had a max double unders contest after the WOD, new PR: 125

1 comment:

  1. 1.5 Hours Double Line
    Got close to butt bounce 180 to butt bounce but no dice. Both Mel and I got tired really quickly so we didn't really push it today.

    Missed aerials club cause I had lots of work to do.
