Friday, February 11, 2011

Rest Day

Climbed a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. 2 Hours Club Meeting (30ft 2", 25ft 1", 15ft 1")
    Tried the butt bounce 360 and got REALLY close. Decided I needed to set goals for myself so I landed three 360s today (building towards a 540 in a few weeks) and 1 solid front flip dismount in my 4 attempts. Tried cartwheels, they are just really hard for me to control at this point so there's a large luck factor. No successes on the yokohama's.

    We had 6 people show up and 1 brand new member (she's an ex-gymnast like Mel so I expect her to pick it up pretty quickly). Mel worked front flip dismounts and butt bounces and we tried simultaneous blindfolded walking with some success. We tied her line because its military spec webbing and I like it a lot more than my bluewater crap-it's easier to tighten and doesn't stretch as much under strain. Other members were working turns and jump mounts.

    After club meeting, Mel and I drove to a gymnastics gym to talk to the owner about using their foam pit. The owner was totally chill but the gym really isn't ideal because it doesn't have great anchors. We're going back on Wednesday to try and tie a line, I expect to have to invent a new method of rigging to make it work (I have some ideas but I'm not confidant they will pan out).
