Sunday, February 6, 2011

Curtis P/SDHP

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
Curtis P's (95#)
*Every minute on the minute you must complete 5 sumo deadlift highpulls

A Curtis P is a barbell complex, here is an example.


High-pulls are hard. 95lbs is slowly becoming more manageable.

1 comment:

  1. 2.5 Hours Double Line (2" and 1")
    Pulled out some cushions and worked the dragon mount which is basically a kip up mount on the line. No successes. Also tried some cartwheels and got close with a few. Mel bit it really hard on one of her cartwheel attempts. Worst wipeout I've ever seen irl. It was really unlucky too. Her leading foot slipped just before she got her hands down and she missed the line. Then...faceplant.

    We also successfully tried bouncing one another up from a seated position (one person sits and the other bounces the line like a trampoline so the seated person can hop up). I worked some yakohoma butt bounces and sticky butt bounces too (no successes on the yakohoma's yet). 180 butt bounces will be tricky since I'm not comfortable landing on the other cheek yet.
