Sunday, February 13, 2011

"The Paperboy 2"

"The Paperboy" (modified)
2x Pete Stair Runs

3 Rounds
Walking Lunges
5 Forward Rolls
50 Double Unders

2x Pete Stair Runs



1 comment:

  1. 2 Hours Triple Line (30ft 2" 25ft 1" 10ft 1")
    Tied three lines in a triangular formation today for the first time and tried to jump around the perimeter. I did the two longest legs but the third had no bounce and was at the largest angle with respect to the other two so it was really hard to transition to it and continue the bounce. Landed some yokohama's and 360s and tried cartwheels and 360 butt bounces without success. Mel worked butt bounces and cartwheels but she rolled her ankle early in the session and had to break for a while. There was also free pizza.

    2 Hours Aerials Club
    First time on the aerial equipment in a long time and I'm SORE. We stretched then reviewed all the basics on each apparatus and ended with some conditioning. Since the "instructors" don't really like silks and I'm really enthusiastic about them there is a chance that I will get to teach silks during club which would be pretty cool. The way it would work is I would come to a special practice before club meeting and learn shit and then teach it the next day.
