Wednesday, June 9, 2010

7x1 Weighted Pull-ups

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


My loads: 25-35-40-50-55-55-57.5

Then skills practice:
3 handstand practice (kick up to wall and hold, try to pull off the wall slightly)
3 L-sit practice (hold for as long as you can)
8 ring dips

EDIT: I also did P90X Yoga earlier with my mom. It was good, challenging as well- might make it a regular thing.


  1. Looked at this workout and knew I couldn't do it so I picked another one from the list. I did 80% scaled of:

    5 rounds of
    100 squats
    20 lunges
    35 pushups

    I did 4 rounds in 29:59.

    In place of skills I have been spending 1-1.5 hrs on the line improving kinesthetic awareness. Standing on one foot lowering into a squat and holding for 30 seconds, walking on tiptoes, etc. I have also been trying to hold a T on (and off) the line (I'm sure there's an actual name for it but I'll post a video later).

  2. It's basically a planche with arms stabbed into your gut instead if straight. I think its called a turtle.

    See 39s and 3:04 in this video:

  3. You should try some yoga stuff, I thought you were talking about warrior three which would be pretty badass on the line.

  4. Also, that link doesn't work for me.
