Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Did two today, about 5 hours apart or so. Do either or both.

16* minutes of:
1 min jump rope
1 min ball slam (20lb ball)

To keep score in this one, count the number of ball slams, I didn't count though, sorry.

*Supposed to be 20 mins, my med ball started leaking sand so I stopped


WOD 2**
For time:
40 burpees
35 sit-ups (unanchored)
30 kettlebell swings (35lbs)
25 pull-ups
20 handstand push-up progressions (whatever is the hardest one you can reasonably do)

My time: 10:57
**Could have done a higher scaling for this one, I didn't realize which scaling I had picked. Choose a higher/lower scaling if you want (see source).



  1. Full workout (number 2) in 16:31 except...

    Used 25lb dumbbell in place of kettlebell (I'm not sure I have the swing technique yet so I used a lower weight so I wouldn't hurt my back). Also couldn't remember handstand progressions so I did triangle pushups instead (could you post those please?)

    My limiting factor was definitely the pullups. They took about 8min and after the first 10 or so I had to do them in sets of 2.

  2. I usually do pike push-ups with my feet on a chair and my hands on the parallettes. You can see some other stuff here, but I just googled "handstand push-up progressions" to get some ideas.

    In general, you should probably look here or here for exercise demos. Check out the KB swing stuff on the main site, there are several videos that explain it very well.

  3. Hey- you can actually do the swings with a dumbbell all the way to overhead more easily if you do them like these guys I think. Try it and let me know what you think, please.
