Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010


With a single 1* pood (35lbs) kettlebell:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm**


My time: 31:18

*Rxed is 2 pood (~72lbs) KB, the scaled one seen in the link is 1.5 pood, all I have is a 20lbs and a 35lbs so I used the heavier one except...

**Couldn't do the left handed ones with the 35, so I used the 20, I suggest you use a lighter weight the whole time (or do the lower scaling seen in the link) so your form is better, I wasn't happy with mine for the most part

P.S. I now realize I did the get-ups totally wrong. Look for this workout to rear its ugly head again so I can try it with correct form:
Part 1
Part 2


  1. Full workout with 20lb dumbbell: 41:50

    Fuck turkish get-ups. Pretty sure I hurt my right arm doing em wrong but I think I had the technique almost correct with my left hand. They were almost impossible with my right but with my left I could manage 3-4 before taking a 15sec break. Let's not do these for a week or so.

  2. Yeah, I almost hurt my left arm doing 'em wrong, that's why I went down in weight.

  3. Hmm, doing TGUs for reps is fun but doesn't sound like a great idea if it's supposed to be a restorative / screening exercise.

    The form described in the video is basically the RKC/HKC style without the high hip bridge:

    I do think the hip bridge is a good self-screen but lots of people aren't as big a fan.

    @cackypants you aren't doing TGUs with a DB are you? Gray Cook and Brett Jones and most people would rather have you do "naked" (shoe) TGUs than DB get ups.. if you have to, try a light Oly plate with holes..


  4. @Leslie I can't believe you looked at this, much less posted here. I'm in shock.

    Yeah, he was doing them with a DB, he's at school so he doesn't have access to a KB. We played HS ultimate together, I post my workouts here for him.

    I probably won't be looking to do this again- but you never know. It was pretty fun.
