Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rest day.

This made the CrossFit main page today. I hope they find a new home for the club, I was planning on checking it out in the fall.


  1. So you probably already figured but I haven't been keeping up with you. There's a lot of reasons but the most important is that I'm not passionate about working out. I've been spending more and more time on the line 1.5-3 hrs per day nowadays and even that is not enough (I've typically been forced to pack it in because of darkness). Hopefully it will keep me in reasonable shape. I probably wont get much stronger but I'll have to live with that. I'll still read and post and occasionally do the workouts but it seems like you've transformed this into a personal workout (b)log anyway. Be ready for biking in August.

  2. Yeah, I was thinking about taking this down and just using a working logging tool instead since I knew you weren't doing it.

  3. Don't take this down, either do both or just keep this up. There may come a time (maybe even in a few weeks after my course is over) when I'll be motivated to keep a regular workout schedule. It would be much easier to do it now if I had transportation or a home gym. Actually, that's just an excuse. In reality it would be easier if I could directly see how the workouts improve my performance on the line compared with just spending more time on the line (which is way more fun). I don't know what benefits I would get from doing a reduced program (1 day on 1 day off or something like that) but I would be more enthused about something like that if you think it would do me any good.

  4. It takes less than an hour a day, but you could do one on one off if you wanted to, sure. The 3 on 1 off thing isn't necessary, you can do whatever works for you. Just be smart about it- don't keep repeating the same movements and try to get to the gym to do at least one heavy day a week.
