Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Roy" (scaled)
Three rounds for time of:
155-185 pound Deadlift, 15 reps (I did 185)
20 Box jumps, 20-24 inch box (I did 23.5")
25 Pull-ups


My time: 13:11
First time doing box jumps. They are strangely challenging. I didn't really feel lifting or squatting type fatigue, I was just panting like hell when I went to do the pullups. I liked it in a sort of "that sucked balls" kind of way.

Also, tore my skin again in the same spot- should have put tape on, that was dumb.

One set of double unders during warm up (low 20s)
Barbell hang squat snatch
Watched some videos and did some deadlift and clean form work with PVC pipe


  1. 2 Hour Session - Shortline (~15 ft)
    Did everything but focused on splits and 360s. Although I didn't land any 360s I now feel strangely comfortable during my attempts. They used to freak me out a little but not so much anymore.

    My left leg is worthless. Years of jumping off my right leg to sky bitches has made it much stronger and more flexible than my left. Thus, my left is the limiting factor for my splits.

  2. Weirdly, the word verification for my last post was "offleg"
