Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 rounds for time of
Run 400 meters
25 Burpees
Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep


My time: 19:23
I couldn't find something 12" above my reach, so I hung my jumprope over a goalpost and adjusted it. However, after I hit it, it clearly went up and when I measured at the end it was 14-15" instead of 12". This overall was very awkward and although it got me tired I thought my time suffered from my weird setup.

Flipped over a couple tires that are at the track- pretty fun.


  1. 2 Hours on the line - 1 Hour Stretching
    It was a slow day for me and I didn't really get focused until after the first 30-60 minutes. No 360s. I did try the Indian style sit down with great success.

    I'm verrrrrrrrrry drunk

  2. Addendum: There was a pullup bar at the party I was at last night. I used it as a conversation hook. Whenever anyone walked by and looked at it I said "I see you've noticed the pullup bar. Wanna join the competition?" I then had a pullup competition with everyone who was interested. I ended up doing 32 pullups. 7-3-8-2-7-5
