Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday, July 30. 2010

Rest day.

Bunch of stretching, SMR stuff and some new hip mobility drills. Spent about 15-20 mins in the pool. I also did a couple of those pop up from the knees things. They're fun.

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war."


  1. 2.5 Hours Shortline - 1 Hour Stretching
    Landed my second 360 mu-uh-fuwka!!!! To achieve this awesome feat of amazing poise and skill I focused on jumping. Jumping and landing and jumping again as quickly as possible. I even landed a new combo - Jump mount to 180 to 180. Bonus multiplier x3. I also am able to do the trick at 1:51 in this video. Other focus was gutstands.

  2. Except you use a 1" line cause you ain't no bitch.
