Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Seven rounds for time of:
95 pound Clean, 3 reps (womens weight, mens is 135 but I didn't have the confidence to do it)
4 Handstand push-ups or 8 progressions*


My time: 8:56
*I did toes on wall for the first 2 sets, then did the rest as sets of 8 progressions, piked with feet on chair. I did most of the cleans as hang cleans and many of them power. I need to learn how to do the deadlift->hang position transition and how to catch the bar w/o it landing on me so I can do the bigger weights.

Additional note: I should try to remember to tape my wrists when I do overhead stuff like HSPUs. My left wrist seems to have issues.

1 comment:

  1. 2 Hour "Session" - Mediumline (~20ft)
    Experimented with 2 person line tricks with a friend of mine. He held/shook the line while I tried to walk around him or stay on.
    ~15 min split progressions
    Not a very focused practice, mostly dicked around
