Thursday, July 29, 2010



For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed. (I used 65lbs).


My time: 3:21
My first WOD with snatches. The hardest part is putting the bar down since I can't drop it (no bumper plates). Might have hurt my shoulder a little, hopefully it'll be fine. I did them mostly as power snatches, had to squat or half/quarter for one or two. I failed one rep, rep 30, but was able to complete it on my next attempt.

3 snatches at 95lbs. I pressed out the first one, the second was sloppy but better and the third was not bad as far as I could tell.
Double unders during warm-up. New PR and summer goal of 50. I probably could have gotten more :). I might try to get a new jump rope for my birthday, it's fun.


  1. 2 Hours on Shortline - 1 Hour Stretching
    Exploring the possibilities of gutstands inspired by the video I posted on friendfeed. I can do a surprising amount with them. I also discovered that the barrel roll is really easy. My gutstand goal is a 1 hand vertical gutstand. Tried a couple 360s but no success. I'm still not fully committed to landing them.

    I think I should make a list of all the tricks I can do and all the tricks I want to be able to do so I can keep track of what to practice.

    1st Backflip Countdown - 19 days

  2. Standing back tuck or wall flip?
