Sunday, March 20, 2011

5K Run + Double Under/PowerSnatch

E-Week 5K (I don't have the map but the route was hilly and went through Schenley Park.

19:19 (PR)
Really happy with this, still had some in the tank, maybe next time I can go sub-19. Rest day yesterday probably helped.

Crossfit Open WOD 1:
10 minute AMRAP:
30 double unders
15 ground to overhead (power snatch is fastest, C&J is legal as well) at 75lbs

I completed 4 round + 30 double unders and 8 snatches (total 218 reps)
I wanted 5 rounds but since the submission deadline was extended to next Sunday I might do this WOD again (probably Wednesday). Very difficult/really good WOD. I'll probably post the video when I get it.


  1. 2 Hours Club Meeting 2" + 1"
    I mainly worked front flips. No more successes yet but my technique is getting way better and I do have a lot of nice bruises. Hannah and Mel were trying some backflips.

    There's a giant trampoline waiting for me at home now so I think backflips may be in my future.
