Monday, March 28, 2011

Pull-ups/HSPU/Box Jumps/Burpees

For time:
50 pull ups, every minute on the minute 3 handstand push-ups
100 box jumps (24" box), every minute on the minute 5 burpees

This was a good one, high power output and legs were burning by the end. I got 34 consecutive pull-ups in my first set, which was a PR. I only had to do one set of HSPUs, they went really well though.

Double unders

1 comment:

  1. 1 Hour Long 1"
    Mel and I tied a long 1" (longer than the high line) using the same threaded webbing that we used for the high line to figure out whether it was the length of the line or the height that made it so difficult. It turns out high lining is all mental because we both walked the low line without too much trouble. It was too long to do any serious tricks on though.

    Did backflips on the trampoline when I got home. They aren't that bad but I'm not consistent enough to move to the ground yet. Hopefully by the end of the week.
