Sunday, March 27, 2011

5x3 PP, 5x3 FS, 1000m Row

3-3-3-3-3 reps push-press


130 is a 1 rep PR and 125 is a 3 rep PR (I think)

3-3-3-3-3 reps front squat


I should have gone down to 160 on the last set. I didn't feel great about this but really it wasn't bad (my 1RM is 175 or so).

1000m row
Did it with the damper on 6, I think next time I would do it a little lower (4 or 4.5). Overall not bad, tried to pull ~1:55/500m the whole way.

Butterfly kip (still not quite)
Double unders
GHD situps


  1. 3 Hours High Line (1" webbing threaded with 5/8", ~80' high, ~50' long)
    Hiked up a small gorge in Plattsburgh and tied a line with a few experienced climbers. We had a long static safety rope tied above us and we were leashed to the line and the safety rope via a climbing harness. I was responsible for rigging the line and the climbers rigged the safety line above us. It was kinda cool (and a little frightening) to be somewhat responsible for my own life.

    The first traversal was terrifying and convincing myself to step out onto the line was incredibly difficult. I never realized how important the ground is to me until it wasn't there anymore. I hardcore cheated the first walk by grabbing the leash above me and my legs were shaking most of the way across. It felt sooo good to be back on the ground again after it was over.

    My second traversal went a little smoother. I didn't hold the safety leash and was able to make it across without falling. After a few more times across I became more comfortable/cocky and did a lever and some surfing on the line. Tried a turn and a jump but they didn't work out.

    I did end up falling a couple times but it turns out that falling is actually almost as much fun as walking.

    Mel had a little more trouble adapting to the height than I did. She fell pretty early on and didn't fully traverse the line until her last few attempts. She did have the guts to try for a jump but the line was too stretchy.

    It was a fun experience but I think I'll stick to trick lining from now on (although if someone asked me to come high lining with them I probably would go)

  2. Climbing up the gorge was also an experience. I got to use ice axes, yak trax (cheap crampons), and an ascender on the way up and rappel myself on the way down. It was the first time I had done any of this stuff and it went surprisingly well. I have some pictures and videos that will probably find their way to the internet soon.
