Friday, March 4, 2011

Rest day


handstand push-ups
2-1-1-1-1 with 1:00 between sets

In lieu of my foam roller I taped 2 lacrosse balls together and tried to do a little work on my lower back. My back gets tight a lot (it also gets used a lot) and bothers me on GHD situps, so I'm going to try to do this more regularly and see if it helps.

1 comment:

  1. 3 Hours Club Meeting
    Club meeting officially only lasts 2 hours but there were 3-4 people who were really into it and ended up staying late. Hannah, the ex-gymnast with the mat, has been working split legged handstands which are really impressive...she also has a really good elbow lever and was getting close to hitting a few jumps. Max, the slackline kid before I took it to the next level, is holding himself back because he's worried about tricks he can totally handle. He did psych himself up enough to figure out jump mounting. And Mel.

    I had a nasty wipe out trying the butt bounce 360...ended up smashing my head on the mats pretty hard. If we didn't have them it would have been a gnarly bruise.
