Saturday, March 5, 2011

7x3 Shoulder Press

3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps shoulder press

Got the last one, hell yeah.
Power cleaned the weight since I don't have a rack.

KB snatches
PVC Overhead Squats

1 comment:

  1. 3 Hours Club Meeting
    50 degrees out so we had club meeting outside for the first time this year. I could only set up 2 lines given the tree situation but it worked out alright (I think I can figure out how to rig one more if necessary)

    2 new potential members came. I demoed the sport in front of the Woonsocket high school debate team who were competing on campus. Worked combos involving chest bounces and did a few front flip dismounts. Also did some 360s. Mel tried chest bounces but mostly worked butt bounces and butt bounce combos.

    Lots of teaching today, not a lot of riding
